Partriarchs..personal god?

The patriarchs thought of their god as a member of their family, in which they felt a personal connection with. They did not perceive him only as the creator of all things, rather, their personal deity; who is tied to them in a special way. For example when God is spoken of in a formal way, as in a promise, he is not merely called “God” but referred to as “the God of Abraham” (Gen. 24:27), “the Mighty One of Issac” (49:24), or “The God of Nahor” (31:51). In return for the devotion of the clan, which was thought of as his family, God was anticipated to shield them from harm and provide necessary things to their existence. The names that were given to the children demonstrate a substantial sense of closeness to the god of the family, the Hebrew syllable ab means “father” and when we find it as part of a name of a Bible character it commonly has reference to God. So when the partriachs named their children  Abimelech or Abeizer or Abriram it was not because they thought the names sounded nice, but because  the were professing their belief  that “ My father is a helper” (Abeizer), or “ My Father is my King”

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